Wowcircle Bot Dlya Ribalki
We want to introduce you the main fixes, done in logon 3.3.5a core during the last 2 months from 02.05.18 till 02.07.18. Status: applied to logon. Changelog: General: - Fixed long distance teleport of creatures. - Fixed possible ignoring of global cooldown by pets. - Personal pet of a player can now be seen by a player on unlimited distance. This should solve possible bugs with pets when player loses it out of vision.
Nov 21, 2015 - Fishing bot for WoDEmpire & WoW Circle 6.2.3 private servers Works only with 32-bit game clients. Net Framework 4 is required. Your bot has recently been updated every time. In spite of this, 2 of. I've tried Wrobot on WowCircle during 2 hours and not get banned (yet). Will keep trying out in next. On private servers. I just click Start to Fishing =(.
- Fixed applying silence if a player is at character selection screen. - Permanent pets will now try to attack their target from behind in PvE. - Fixed an exploit with unlimited search of objects in dungeons. - If a player leaves the world in combat he will die only if he was fighting another player. - Added NPC that sells special items for transmogrification. - Removed resurrection cooldown for first death, it now starts from the second death. - Specified rules of detecting possibility to take a passenger on a vehicle.
- Fixed double damage from objects like Fire, Torch, etc. - Players can now get and achievements for completing actual quests.
- Fixed several reasons of server crash. - Warden: added more PQR checks. Dungeons and raids: Vault of Archavon: - Archavon the Stone Watcher: improved work of a boss, also fixed doubling timers of spells after every disappearance of a boss. Pit of Saron: - Realized abilities of NPC. Ahn'kahet: - Prince Taldaram: improved work of a boss, also fixed doubling timers of spells after every disappearance of a boss. Zul'Farrak: - Fixed dialogue of NPC. You can kill NPC in cages before the needed time no more.
You can now reach last boss only after passing through event. Icecrown Citadel: - General: * Damage of of NPC is no more lowered by armor.
* Damage of of NPC is no more lowered by armor. * Damage of of NPC is no more lowered by magic resistance. * Returned Stinky and Precious NPC. * Recovered Spirit Alarms, that activate NPC. - The Lich King: * Fixed timer of casting.
* Time of trap appearance after cast is now 3,5 seconds. * deals damage to pets no more. * Fixed melee damage of NPC for 10 normal and 10 heroic. * Fixed target selection for.
* Fixed overvalued flight height of Val'kyr Shadowguard. * Fixed damage of. * Fixed possible case when Val'kyr Shadowguard could grab a player of another Val'kyr.
- Deathbringer Saurfang: * Fixed starter event timers for Alliance. * Fixed starter event timers for Horde.
* Fixed post-event. * Fixed localization of encounter. * Realized event after killing the boss for Alliance. * When applying boss will try to choose targets under the effect of with lower chance. * Fixed move speed of a boss. Tipovoj proekt elektrosnabzheniya zhilogo zdaniya.

Fixed moving of attacking NPC into the air. * Fixed possible bugs with opening the door. - Sindragosa: * causes aura procs that must proc from dealing damage no more. * Fixed landing time of a boss during transition phase. - Professor Putricide: * Another attempt to fix damage of. * Fixed possible disappearance of slimes during transition phase. - Valithria Dreamwalker: * Fixed starter NPC placement, their visual cast at boss, also increased their melee damage according to blizzlike.