Skript Adbblock Gest
The Anti-Adblock Killer Script has not been updated for quite a while now. Most sites can sniff it. Fortunately, there are a few alternatives. I have been using the uBlock Protector Extension (Chrome only) for the past month and it works flawlessly.
It is also updated frequently. UBlock Protector Extension (CHROME ONLY) • Install uBlock Origin by Raymond Hill () • Enable Adblock Warning Removal List from uBlock Origin settings panel: • Enable the uBlock Protector List filter: • Install uBlock Protector Extension () Anti-Adblock Killer Continued (Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Safari, Edge) • Install Tampermonkey (,,,, ) • Install an Adblock (I’d recommend uBlock Origin) • (uBlock Origin users) Enable Adblock Warning Removal List from uBlock Origin settings panel: • Install the AAK-cont Userscript • If you are using uBlock Origin ->.
• If you are using AdBlock, Adblock Plus, or other adblockers -> • Add the custom AAK-cont filter to your Adblock -> NOTE: • Do NOT install AAK-Cont if you are using uBlock Protector, it will cause undefined behavior. • If you were using the original, it is recommended that you delete the Userscript from Tampermonkey and delete/unsubscribe from the filter list on your Adblock. • The guides above were tested on uBlock Origin ONLY.
Feb 12, 2018 - It's got a number of links on it to test the effectiveness of any ad. And can you give me your browser config like which adblocker/script blocker? They should allow people to use a separate filter, like other adblockers do.
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Test your configuration (Successful if you do not get a popup) • • • • •.