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Re: Torrent Freeze [][] [][] [] [] [] Re: Torrent Freeze • From: Per Anton Ronning • To: For users of Fedora • Subject: Re: Torrent Freeze • Date: Fri, 31 Aug 2007 10:01:11 +0200 David Boles wrote: on 8/30/2007 4:15 PM, Per Anton Ronning wrote: David Boles wrote: on 8/30/2007 1:27 PM, Per Anton Ronning wrote: David Boles wrote: on 8/30/2007 5:00 AM, Per Anton Ronning wrote: Now I have experienced something odd. I am downloading F7 using bittorrent. (It has been predicting about 16-18 hours of download time which I guess is acceptable) I have in another thread discussed my screen freeze problem, which now may or may not be expanding. The PC usually freezes after some time of downloading, - well, it freezes anyway after some time has elapsed - so it may not necessarily be caused by the downloading as such. But when I am about to pick up the downloading again, bittorrent-curses starts out by checking the cintents of the.iso file which has been downloaded so far. After a very short while the whole thing stops, and reboot is the only option. This has happened 3 times in a row.
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Does anyone have suggestions here? It may be the 'old' problem of course, but could this be some disk problem as well? Works best from level 3 but it will work in a terminal cd /where_you_want_the_iso_to_ go - all on one line- (this might line wrap) wget -c the -c will permit restarts if your machine crashes of you are disconnected. Teh wget part is already completed, I am now running the bittorent_curses part. I am confused by what you wrote. As I understand it you downloads the iso with wget and now you are downloading the same iso with bittorent? If that is what you are doing I just have to ask why are you downloading the same iso twice?
That is not what I am doing. First i did run wget Then I am running bittorrent-curses Fedora-7-i386.torrent and now F-7-i386-DVD.iso is created. I have so far downloaded 363,593,728 bytes of this file, but now the problem I describe is putting a stop to further downloading. When I start the *-curses again, it begins with examining the *.iso file, but at an early stage of this examination the computer simply shuts down, i.e. It seems that it calculates how far the download has come so far in order to continue the download from that point on, i.e, it has a built-in -c option.
At least that is my interpretation of this. Is the confusion brought into order?:-) Yes.
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You used wget to download the torrent link and then began a torrent to download the iso. Every time you restart a bittorent it will check what has been downloaded to find two things. What parts have already been downloaded and if they are good parts. Bittorent downloads parts from many sources.
File sharing. For bittorent to work well it has to be configured.
You have to open a port, set downloads speed to unlimited and, depending on your Internet connection, cut down the upload speed. 10 is a good place to start. Also some ISPs throttle back bittorent because it is manly used to steal commercial program and movies. The link that I gave to you would directly download the iso from a very fast site at The university of Southern California without using the bittorent application at all. I do not know what your Internet connection speed is but with mine, 800 - 1000 mbps, it would take about 40 minutes, maybe less, to download the DVD iso of Fedora 7. You will like Fedora 7. And just think.
Fedora 8 is scheduled for early November.:-) Thanks a lot. It started downloading with no freeze so far, and -c made it append to the incomplete *.iso file already downloaded.

At this time it predicts 13h 44m to download. I can absolutely live with that. If I experience another freeze, I just restart the whole thing with the -c option. I would be surprised if it does not freeze at some time. This freeze problem seems to be quite a rare thing, I have not seen many others having the same problem, ant it is a very elusive problem.
Is it software related? Is it hardware/software related? Why has the effect changed? Earlier I could enter the PC via an ssh back door (from my backup machine) and shut down Xorg.
That did the trick. But now the freeze condition has become more serious, now it shuts down the ethernet card as well so that the backup PC no longer is connected. I will study the thread about ssh here first, but I also have experienced that the backup machine no longer can run X via ssh to the main PC. Ssh -X goes fine, but starting kwrite, gftp or any other GUI-based program fails. Before the present calamities started, I actually run the main PC via the backup PC, a happy symbiosis which gave me time to focus on productive programming. Brgds PAR • Follow-Ups: • • From: Robert Nichols • References: • • From: Per Anton Ronning • • From: David Boles • • From: Per Anton Ronning • • From: David Boles • • From: Per Anton Ronning • • From: David Boles [][] [][] [] [] [].