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Already in the first day open to the public the Nativity scene had received visitors from many Northern Hemisphere countries. A perusal of the photo albums reveal a photograph of two delightful Korean children under an umbrella, and a German family enjoying the summer's day in Cathedral Square.
Many from the Northern Hemisphere find it 'strange' to experience a summer Christmas. It is incongruous after all to find 'snow' painted on shop windows in 30+ degree heat. Australians, long used to a continent of contrasts don't seem to notice this oddity, however, they would find it even stranger not to be able to take the children to the beach at Christmas.
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It seems it is only the visitors who are confused, and the weather is so enjoyable that they soon forget other climates. On a practical note, this is the first time that a set of Demetz Nativity figures have been installed in an outdoor setting like this, as in colder places they are always indoors. This typically Sydney experiment has proved to be a great success already, and the summer warmth is bringing people to the piazza to enjoy the air and summer flowers, and of course this extraordinary Nativity for all the people. Over recent years the Isreali/Palestinian conflict has reduced visitor numbers, but even so, people come from all over the world to find the place of His birth.
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A silver star is raised on a pole in the town centre, and every Christian home has a cross over the front door. Traditionally, each family also makes a small manger scene.
On Christmas Eve crowds gather around the Church and on it's roof as a procession lead by a horseman carrying a Cross arrives to place an effigy of the Christ child into a crib in the Church. The images and text on this website may be used with acknowledgement (including a link to this website) for educational and other non-profit purposes including indivduals, families and any not-for-profit organisations who wish to use this material for sole purpose of the enjoyment and enhancement of Christmas celebrations or to spread the word of the true meaning of Christmas. All commercial uses and unauthorised uses are strictly prohibited without the written permission of the copyright holder.

©Tony Johansen 2005 All Rights Reserved. Photograph of Cardinal George Pell ©Catholic Archdiocese of Sydney 2005 All Rights Reserved. This Nativity has been created in the long tradition of story telling and special symbols that started with St Francis when he made the first Nativity scenes hundreds of years ago. The traditional grouping of Wise Men and Farm Folk is symbolic of the universal nature of Chritianity and emphasising the democratic reaching out to all people without prejudices. The shepherds carry the richness of the Earth's harvest, and the first to arrive carries a dove, the symbol for peace.