Dolzhnostnaya Instrukciya Glavnogo Specialista Upravleniya Obrazovaniya
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Environmental issues in Kazakhstan. Kazakhstan also faces the problem of urban pollution, particularly in its eastern cities, which receive harmful emissions from lead and zinc smelters, a uranium-processing mill, and other industries. In recent years, environmental activist groups in Kazakhstan have begun lobbying for tighter emission controls. It’s partly because of ecological mismanagement of the Soviet Union. The Soviet government conducted almost 70 percent of all of its nuclear testing in Kazakhstan (between 1949 and 1991. Outdoor air pollution is associated with over one million deaths and countless illnesses each year across the globe. We are working to clean up toxic hotspots including major industrial polluters as well as dirty diesel transportation hubs. People's Republic of China and Kazakhstan. Outline Topic: Kazakhstan General Purpose: To inform Specific Purpose: To inform my audience about the geography of Kazakhstan and its two biggest cities Almaty and Astana. Main points: I. Geography of Kazakhstan II.
Istoriya gosudarstvennogo kontrolya (nadzora) v sfere obrazovaniya v Rossii (XVIII - nachalo XXI v.). Tom 3: Sovremennaya Rossiya [Andreyanova N.N.] on. /video/-sozdat-sayt-upravleniya-obrazovaniya-besplatno-na-platforme-nubeks/ 3200.

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