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Language: Slovenian Work type: Master's thesis/paper (mb22) Organization: FGPA - Faculty of Civil Engineering, Transportation Engineering and Architecture Abstract: V magistrskem delu je prikazana uporaba sodobnega BIM-modelirnika za projektiranje lesenih montažnih objektov in njegova povezljivosti s CNC-lesnoobdelovalnimi stroji. Poudarek dela je na možnosti uporabe programskega orodja Archicad z dodatkom Archiframe. S pomočjo programskega orodja Archicad smo uvozili arhitekturni BIM-model objekta v formatu IFC, ki velja za splošen format, potreben za izmenjavo podatkov med različnimi programskimi orodji.
Nato smo s pomočjo programskega orodja Archiframe izdelali delavniške risbe montažnih elementov, vključno z vsemi podatki, potrebnimi za uporabo na CNC-strojih, ter kasneje vse te podatke tudi uporabili za izdelavo montažnega elementa v proizvodnji. Keywords:,,,,,,,, Year of publishing: 2019 Source: Maribor License: This work is available under this license: Views: 31 Downloads: 15 Metadata: Categories:. Hover the mouse pointer over a document title to show the abstract or click on the title to get all document metadata. Secondary language Language: English Title: BIM-MODEL OF PREFABRICATED TIMBER HOUSE AND CONNECTION WITH CNC-MACHINES Abstract: The master's thesis presents the use of a modern BIM-software for the design of prefabricated timber buildings and its connectivity with CNC-woodworking machines.
The focus is on using the Archicad software with the plug-in Archiframe. With the help of Archicad software, we imported the architectural BIM-model in IFC-format, which is considered to be the general format required for data exchange between different BIM-programs. Then, with the help of the Archiframe software tool, we made production drawings of prefabricated elements, including all the data required for the use on CNC-woodworking machines. All data was later used for the production and assembly of a single prefabricated element. Keywords:,,,,,,,, Comments.
Language: Slovenian Work type: Diploma project paper (mb13) Organization: FGPA - Faculty of Civil Engineering, Transportation Engineering and Architecture Abstract: V projektni nalogi je kozolec predstavljen kot bivanjska hiša. Tradicionalni kozolec je dobil novo vlogo, ki je odraz potreb sodobne družbe. Skozi celotno projektno nalogo smo poskušali čim bolj ohraniti videz tradicionalnega kozolca, vendar pa je zaradi spremembe namembnosti to bil izziv. Da bi čim manj spremenili videz, smo uporabili naravni material: les in steklo, ki je manj opazno. Osnovni kozolec je tipičen dolenjski kozolec, zato je tudi umeščen v ta del Slovenije. Prenovljen arhitekturni spomenik je funkcijsko prilagojen tako, da ustreza potrebam štiričlanske družine bivanja v njem.
Keywords:,,, Year of publishing: 2017 Source: Maribor License: This work is available under this license: Views: 473 Downloads: 142 Metadata: Categories:. Hover the mouse pointer over a document title to show the abstract or click on the title to get all document metadata.
Strani zarubezhnoj azii konturnaya karta. However, these heavier women did not have an increased risk of estrogen receptor-negative breast cancers [].